Thursday, June 2, 2011

junk sickness

"the global commission on drug policy called for a new approach of reducing drug abuse to replace the current strategy of strictly criminalizing drugs and incarcerating drug users while battling criminal cartels that control the drug trade."
reuters 6-2-2011

obviously none of the anal retentive morons that think dutch reagan's idea of "just say no" and jailing anyone who says yes is functional don't have a clue about how addiction or the system of illicit ( only bcause of legislation) drug traffic really works...bozos...idiots...fools...i could go on but i am dealing with some time pressure here...anyone who has overcome a chemical dependency knows how to take the entire trade down...bill burroughs wrote a primer on it years ago that obviously the dea views as some sort of deranged propaganda form the delusional world of drug users...except bill wasn't using when he wrote it and he knows whereof he turn the whole problem over to those of us who have some concrete idea of what it takes to resolve an addiction and we can undo this will cause an unholy stink with the self-righteous among you...but you are 90% of the damned problem anyway...remove the junky and the pyramid collapses...legalize, tax, and control drug use and manufacture while you treat addicts and you remove the financial incentive that drives the violence in drugland...the answer is self-evident and has been for decades...the people who control the legislative system just haven't figured out how to turn a profit on the idea yet....if they had market mechanisms would have driven the solution before them long ago...instead people suffer and die because the status quo won't think beyond its own biases...fuck these people.

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