Thursday, June 16, 2011

now is the crisis

"we can't allow republicans and their skewed priorities to control the senate and they will if they gain just four more seats. what you do right now truly matters! please give a minimum of $5 or more to dscc. every dollar you give will be matched and will help keep republicans out of power in the senate. i'm counting on you to help stop them."
senator patty murray stumping for cash in a mass email addressed to me personally because fucking visclosky gave them my email address.

"it is natural of men who wish to hasten the adoption of a measure to tell us now is the crisis. now is the critical moment which must be seized or all will be lost."
william henry lee in an astute observation on hamiltonian scare tactics.

"i don't listen to the radio. i am tired of listening to fables."
an astute observation on the intent and content of modern mass media by nikolai vasilyevich sokolov in the book "poor people" by william t vollmann.

as we dig deeper into the hideous layers of farce that politics in the late empire has become ( "weiner resigns!"...resignation? where is the lake of fire?) and cover ourselves with the putrescence of another presidential election i find myself in desperate need of a place to retreat to to escape all the vacuous posturing and lame, tired, formulaic rhetoric that passes for campaigning...i can empathize with nikolai when he despairs of the falsehood and manipulation he faces when what he needs is information ( goebbels smiles down from pr heaven...giddy at the success of his variation of walter lippmann's take on that saint of bullshit john dewey)...i for one don't care what weiner's underwear looks like or who said what about gingrich's wife or if sarah palin is a shrewd political operative hiding behind a facade of hockey-mom banality...the whole process of political prestidigitation is so utterly divorced from the reality people face in the street that it is virtually impossible to take seriously...bureaucrats, lobbyists, scabrous whores all have a vested interest in keeping their spots at the public trough open and the pork flowing...which is precisely why, despite the dogmatic libertarian, market mechanism, self-reliance rhetoric that these bozos spout NOTHING substantive will change...they will simply take more from the taxpayer ( the real definition of "the people's business") in the form of hidden taxes or draconian cuts in social spending at exactly the time it is necessary...(all politicians are social darwinists who somehow believe they deserve to be the elite and that "the voter"s" sole purpose is to validate their status every two to six years)...edward trevelyan would nod approvingly...and as if the degenerates don't already take enough from me now that clapped out tart from west virginia wants me to contribute anything i can ( "sorry, we cannot accept amounts less then five american dollars!") to help keep the senate from being taken over by rapacious addled wrong-headed automatons devoted to class warfare and maintaining the interests of the degenerate pashas who conroll do you tell someone this dense that it is too fucking late?

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