Tuesday, January 1, 2019

we all have different priorities

i have been reading recently about urban efforts to undo some of the damages that over-paving and destruction of native wetlands have done to both water retention and quality and how those efforts can be for virtually nothing if climate change so remakes the weather that the rains, particularly in the southwest of the united states stop...this triggered a digression of thought in the state of drought in the united states and how a significant shift in weather patterns and rainfall could generate a very large number of climate refugees within the borders of this county...internally displaced people looking for survival...and how that migration might affect relations among citizens ( it brings to mind the reception that "okies" and other internally displaced people, be it from weather or economic hardship, received as the wandered the country in search of sustenance and stability...there are stories of succor and welcome...there are an equal number of stories of rejection and violence )...looking for some information i clicked on the bookmark i have for the national oceanic and atmospheric administration's drought portal to peruse the current and forecast drought maps and i found this...
the portal is shutdown as part of the trumptard's tantrum over a useless wall and so i am without any input on conditions that have the possibility of creating a migration that will have as much social impact as any migration from the south...i am very nearly speechless at the irony and i am thinking new thoughts about methodologies governments can employ for controlling information.

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