Tuesday, April 20, 2021


“if the American democracy finally decides to try to solve its obvious societal problems in a collaborative manner, the u s investment capacity is huge and the problems solvable. i think the latter sentence contains the essence of the u s fate over the next forty years. the united states could maintain its hegemony if it decided to do so. but i don’t think the american system of governance will be capable. quick, bipartisan decision making is not a u s strength. and i see little that will change this fact on the forty-year horizon.” jorgen randers____________________ so many things to define in that statement and the arguments that will torpedo bipartisan anything will begin with defining “societal problems”…we are all lexicographers…and we all have a world-view paradigm that continually defies escape into realistic vision…the squabbles continue…the conservatives want a consensus, monochromatic definition of what it is to be “american” ( and that monochromatic desire is a large step towards ethnic cleansing…i will not be part of creating a jasenovac here…historical wisdom should indicate that you should not either )…liberals continue to press for both “identity” and “inclusiveness” without seeming to realize the two stand in opposition…we all need space to be who we are and we should probably be tolerant of others and their identity/viewpoints unless they are manifestly sociopathic ( definitions of sociopathy are as wide ranging as there are people one suspects…this will need serious work…more lexicographical squabbles )…however we tend to define ourselves as much by what we are not as what we are …identity = exclusion…too much identity is a pharmakon…”we are not that” can lead to “we are not the other”…jasenovac again…this does tend to impede inclusiveness…it might be better to look for universals that define us as human as opposed to all the labels we are burdened with ( who creates all those labels? )…those universal exist… https://condor.depaul.edu/~mfiddler/hyphen/humunivers.htm we all have them despite what social science may say ( or want to believe is fact )…instead we are caught up in habitual world views that allow scant room for compromise which isn’t helping any…jorgen is correct…we could fix things…or, at least make them more tolerable for everyone…there seems to be a dearth of political will…that is, one supposes, reflective of the wider social divisions…we might be better served by trying to think beyond shared biases that passes for objective thought and making the politicians irrelevant…have a look at the scenarios the director of national intelligence presents…and ponder where you might like the planet ( and so your children and grandchildren…i have both i get to be concerned ) to end up https://www.dni.gov/index.php/gt2040-home

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