Sunday, April 4, 2021

negentropy is denial in five easy steps
Five easy step? 1.) “find the entropy”...where do you lose energy? in living. finite energy (mental and physical) = finite issues you can address. not a difficult task to identify futility. 2.) “prioritize the losses.” other words define “externals” (a handy economists term for unfortunate facts they do not want cluttering their tidy theories that defines a lot of human behavior) and ignore them....letting the chaos go doesn’t mean it goes away. 3.) “come up with a plan.”...planning would seem to be a human necessity....however, the farther out you put your event horizon the more likely you are to be blindsided by unseen variables (despite the enlightenment life is not linear and human cognition isn’t what it is cracked up to be.) 4.) “try it out and pay attention.”...praxis, everybody does praxis to varying degrees of success...again, unseen variables will cause major restructuring of the plan and, hopefully, impart a better understanding of inertia. 5.) “go beyond fixing and maintenance.”...junk what doesn’t work for you? “spending time improving an orientation to introduce new workers to a company culture may not be very useful if the culture itself needs to change.”...most corporate cultures are designed to the benefit of those who control them, not those who work for them....some things are not inclined to minor change, much less radical streamlining....entropy has inertia on its side and “big picture” paradigms are chock full of inertia....have a look at donella meadows leverage points: places to intervene in a system for a more realistic look at what and how to change and joseph tainter for how social entropy actually works.

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