Wednesday, April 7, 2021

immunization or social band-aid?

am i an anti-vaxer? a flu shot in october...the childern were immunized as children...i have been know to see a physician on i think covid is a hoax? no...even though the numbers seem a bit odd at oops! when the state forgets to count 1200 deaths...still i have no time for conspiracy theories...distractions...sleight of hand...misdierections designed to point you away from actual events into never never land while someone either gets away with something or makes a pile of cash...or patience for patent bullshit...
< so i got vaccinated today and if it supplies any sort of immunization i would be, at the very least, mildly surprised...given the relatve speeds at which viruses and vaccines evolve i am going to assume the virus is well ahead...been reading about variants and "a new surge"? find the right media source and it is all you hear...then again there is the conspiracy thoery network that has the opposing can read any damned thing you want...someone will be happy to sell a news product that panders to your can spend your time fact checking the fact checkers...or you can look around your own environment and compare what you see with what you read and hear...this entails thought and some logical assessment...never an easy gig...or just tune in cnbc or fox and let the thinking be done elsewhere...your call...i am sticking with doubt ( although not quite the cartesian solipsistic sort ) and a fair dose of go along with the one they jabbed in my arm this morning ( and thanked me for coming ) maybe a road back to "normal" like the nyt says...or, perhaps, a massive misallocation of resources that could have been better spent...we'll see.

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