Friday, December 31, 2010

blight vs social darwinism...the bush legacy lives on

"i don't know what the big deal about trailers is. it's not like a hundred trailers is going to make the city any worse than it is. it's not like the city has been fixed up and repaired and these are the remaining eyesores."
edwin webb. new orleans fema trailer resident

"these trailers were meant to be temporary and not a permanent fixture. people have to assume some responsibility for their decisions."
ann duplessis. new orleams deputy chief administrative officer.

" the blight eradication program, if not done correctly, can become a poor person eradication program."
lance hill tulane university.

new orleans mayor mitch landrieu ( wasn't landrew a character in a star trek episode?) has declared war on fema trailers and delapidated houses belonging to those without means to repair them vowing to eliminate 10,000 "blighted" properties in the next three years...working from a base of five hundred dollar a day fines for non-compliance he hopes to terrorize the remaining tenants of fema trailers who haven't succumbed to any number of nasty maladies born by the shoddily built death traps out of their homes...the full weight of the law on the backs of the poor...a position with a storied history in the empire...a useful tactic when dealing with the multitudes from the lower classes..."slum clearance" they used to call it when i was younger...shuffle the poor to outlying districts...out of is a program that bears a striking rsemblance to the one guo linlong used to bludgeon entire districts of beijing out of exisitance to make way for the "development" promised by the 2008 olympics...if mitch does it right he can eliminate the poorest sectors of new orleans' population and free up large areas of real estate for "development" turning the rundown slum into a showplace of "growth and recovery" least until the levees fail again and the new development becomes a toxic sump... then what? need for a diverse mixture of people in new orleans...nothing organic or with any local color...we need a new destination like las vegas...a plastic resort that's all veneer and facade held together by greed...10,000 lots is too huge a chunk of real estate for the poor to be squattting it up to investment capital... anyone bilding there will have to pretend to be dutch and ignore the fact that it's below sea level...nothing like standing on beal street and watching the barges on the mississippi go by over your head to destroy an illusion of safety.

i have and probably will not monetize my blogs...but google has adds all over the pages leading into it after i sign in...especially the page that pops up after i post one ( the one that says "your post was successfully published"...after i posted this blog the ads were themed by its content..."be prepared for disasters. get a satellite communications system" or "get an emergency response degree" (spea?) or my favorite since it combines this post with the thrust of an entirely different blog "survival seed vault $99. 50,000 + seeds" you supose they're gathering information about me? what have they told local 20 that they don't already know?

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