Monday, December 27, 2010

when the going gets tough rat bastards gouge deeper

just about the time i think i'm done with all the blogging form this long weekend the united states mail arrives and sets off a whole new round of bullshit...the organization i belong to which alleges to represent me in contractual matters but is instead mired in late 19th century thinking on the condition of workers and their needs ( and so fucking politically naive that they think they have friends in politicians...con artists that they are you'd think they'd recognize the hamiltonian system for the ponzi scheme it is...but there it is) has communicated with me at a distance ( perhaps my attitude precedes me) about their need to raise my monthly dues by eleven bucks because of "...a constitutional change in the formula going from 2 times the average wage to 2 1/2 times the average wage..." i'm sure the bastards meant hourly wage but you never know when you're dealing with grifters ( and when, exactly, was this change in the formula made? was it presented to the membership as anything except a surprise? i didn't vote on it so did they do this in the politburo...or a plennum of the politburo? it would never have passed a general vote)...perhaps a freudian slip giving away their terminal ineptitude, mendacity, and avarice...eleven bucks a hundred and thirty-two dollars a year...the cost of the yearly baseball cap and the monthly neweletter just went up approximately 23%... i will have paid the union a shade over $4600 this year for dues and insurance ( i am not complaining about the insurance costs...i use it and i am certain i am not paying the brunt of the cost through my contributions and co-pays...but whose fault is it that health care is such a racket? mine? hardly...and its not my fault that obamaland is such a political insider that he lied through his teeth about health care reform...or hope for that matter...another whore on the make) and now they want more...we didn't get a contract raise this year...and i understand that too...times are tough and we're all hunkered down and getting along as best we can ( except the top 1%...time to expropriate)...we also all know my views on the long term viability of the system as it was in need to beat a dead empire(for now)...but these shits want a 23 +% raise for their peculiar brand of some point it is time to say enough you degenerate scum...this isn't what the wagner act was supposed to be like...but then these clowns are a craft union burdened by the insane "business unionism" that that cretin john r. commons systematized and made union leadership businessmen not advocates...syndicalism anyone?


  1. is all hope gone? I sincerely hope not!

  2. didn't say all hope was gone...only that as a class politicians are not the best vehicle for its spread or sustenace...hope is a human necessity...i find politics to be its antithesis....vampires of hope...parasites...grifters...liars...cheats.. hope is for the lake of fire

  3. sustenance...wish i could type...
