Thursday, December 16, 2010


"we're in a better position to give our forces in afghanistan the support and resources they need to complete their mission. we are making considerable gains toward our military objectives."
obamaland 12-16-2010

"the summary...acknowledged that the gains are fragile and could easily be undone unless more progress is made in hunting down insurgents operating from havens in pakistan."
n y times article on a review of u s strategy for the war in afghanistan. 12-16-2010

"for five years neither the united states or south vietnam has moved against these enemy sanctuaries because we did not wish to violate the territory of a neutral nation. these communist occupied territiories contain major base camps, training sites, logisitic facilities, weapons and ammunition factories, air strips, and prisoner of war compounds. tonight american and south vietnamese units will attack the headquarters for the entire communist military operation. this is not an invasion of cambodia. the areas in which these attacks will be launched are completely occupied and controlled by north vietnamese forces. our purppose is not to occupy these areas. once enemy forces are driven out of these sanctuaries and their military supplies are destroyed we will withdraw."
richard m nixon on the invasion of cambodia. 30 april 1970

" the british first marched up the khyber pass in 1839, on their way to the first afghan war, which was to end in disaster three years later with the massacre of every soldier save one, a dr. william brydon who lived to tell the story. the british came back up the pass in 1878 and again were forced by the afghans to withdraw. the graves of british soldiers killed in the second afghan war lie near the masjid mosque by the top of the pass. each time the british lost hundreds of men just fighting their way through khyber territory, controlled by the afridis, a tribal branch of the of the pathans who since antiquity have served the function of 'guardians of the pass.' in 1897 the british had to dispatch forty thousand troops to this area just to quell and afridi uprising and regain control of the pass."
from "soldiers of god" by robert d kaplan p. 82

"...the makers of this empire saw themselves not only as top dogs but also the best of all breeds."
from "the dust of empires"by karl e mayer. p xv

i often wonder what mechanism it is that clouds the minds of the elite in control of the government/economy ( they are both the same thing...hamilton saw to that...they may deny there is any statist planning...and that may be true...except the defense budget...when the head of the n y fed is a former partner in goldman-sachs you don't need a cabal of secret planners...common interest will see to a common theme) and makes them think i am stupid...i am not a youngster anymore and i have heard all this "for public consumption" media propagandizing before..."the light at the end of the tunnel" is always just in reach if we have a bit more faith in the wisdom of our leaders and trust that they have more information than we do and are more qualified to digest and act on is emperical and richard m nixon taught me alot about the difference between what politicians say and what they actually do and where they rank in the comparative intelligence department... i am weary of being fed blatant untruths by arrogant politicians who seem to think i am incapable of discernment so let me indulge in some rebuttal.
1. the empire is broke and getting broker by the day. soon it may not be able to bring its forces home much less provide them with "the support and resouces they need to complete their mission."
2. someone needs to take a critical look at exactly what that "mission" is.
3. "violating the territory of a neutral nation" seldom ends well a. kent state b. pol pot. c. the brits were in afghanistan mostly because they did not want the tsar there. the soviets ended ten years of imperial hijinks there in 1989 and in three years they had epically collapsed into yeltsin and then further into the "managed democracy" of much for empire...this one is next.
4. believing your own propaganda about your alleged exceptionalism seldom ends well either...the list is far to long to go into...just think of the arrogant, hubris laden freaks you know in your own life and imagine them with nuclear weapons.
i will say once again...if those young people are fighting and dying to protect me from ossama and his ilk, bring them home and i will take my chances...they have a right to life that isn't brutalized because you fooled them into believing you represent good, truth, and beauty.

the next time i go off on a rant and start caling them scumsucking whores and degenerate bastards bear in mind there are real reasons to do so..i am dead serious about the lake of fire.

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